Amway has acquired some traction in the multi level marketing business, but to keep the chain going, the company will need to think more like a consumer goods company and less like a direct seller.
Amway has acquired some traction in the multi level marketing business, but to keep the chain going, the company will need to think more like a consumer goods company and less like a direct seller.
‘Branding’ alone hardly ever makes a business successful. It is businesses, including their culture and ethos, that make brands successful. And as soon as the business drops the ball on innovation, service, quality or price, or forgets its cultural roots, the brand quickly loses its lustre. — now popularly called India’s answer to Groupon, the world’s biggest provider of daily online deals……With 400 staff on the payroll, company want to get a share of India’s $500 billion retail market, of which nearly 18% is services business offered by sites like Snapdeal.
There are 7 billion people on the planet, and all of us sort and class information the same way. It is a very efficient way of processing millions of data points in a short period of time.
Regional independent Price Chopper Supermarkets has extended its agreement with its full-service e-procurement provider to expand the reach of e-sourcing throughout its organization.
Kishore Biyani had merged his real-estate business with Kolkata-based developer Sumit Dabriwala into Agre Developers to strengthen the retail major’s foothold in the realty space. The retail to financial services group runs stores like Big Bazaar and Food Bazaar.
With retailers fighting for customers in the sluggish economic recovery, the generic white, hairless, skinny mannequin is being pushed aside by provocative alternatives that entice shoppers with muscles, unusual poses, famous faces and lifelike bodies.
The challenge with business-model innovation lies in identifying where and how to make changes. Too often companies focus on improving revenues, costs and resource utilization, but completely ignore the risks associated with the business.
Though rural markets account for a modest 18% of the 58,000-crore domestic drug market, drug firms and analysts expect this segment to sustain the high growth rate and increase its share in the pie.
China Chain Store & Franchise Association (CCFA) convened the Conference on Cooperation, Development and Exchanges Between Commercial Real Estate Developers and Chain Retailers in Ningbo of China’s eastern Zhejiang Province on June 9 and released the book 100 Retailers in Shopping Centers.
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