RT @rajat_shrimal: This 3D printer is building world’s first printed home to be lived in #3Dprinting #technology #architecture #Industry40 #tech via @rajat_shrimal cc @MikeQuindazzi @evankirstel @kuriharan @Ronald_vanLoon @AnjaHoffman @SpirosMargaris @chboursin @jblefevre60 https://t.co/rWF8XyZtTJ @quicksoft
on July 9th, 2018 at 7:11 pmPosted In: My Free Thoughts
This 3D printer is building world's first printed home to be lived in#3Dprinting #technology #architecture #Industry40 #tech via @rajat_shrimal cc @MikeQuindazzi @evankirstel @kuriharan @Ronald_vanLoon @AnjaHoffman @SpirosMargaris @chboursin @jblefevre60pic.twitter.com/rWF8XyZtTJ
— Rajat Shrimal (@rajat_shrimal) July 7, 2018
RT @rajat_shrimal: This 3D printer is building world’s first printed home to be lived in
#3Dprinting #technology #architecture #Industry40 #tech via @rajat_shrimal cc @MikeQuindazzi @evankirstel @kuriharan @Ronald_vanLoon @AnjaHoffman @SpirosMargaris @chboursin @jblefevre60